The Arts Club – Creative Arts Hub
The Arts Club- Creative Arts Hub – organized an Intra Collegiate Quiz Competition on 26th August, 2019. The theme for the Quiz Competition was India- its culture and history. The questions were multiple choices and consisted of a wide range including visual and auditory aspects. There were 7 teams comprising of 2 members each that participated in the Quiz. The winning team members were Shivani and Varsha and the runners up were Neelam and Shilpa.
Environmental Club 2016-17
The activities earmarked for the Environmental Club was carried out by the F.Y.B.Ed and the S.Y.B.Ed students. The two year B.Ed course with its extended internship period proved a boon to the students to carry out its activities of sensitization at the institutional and community level.
The Green Umbrella Project ensured that all the activities were carried as per the needs and the opportunities available. The activities undertaken were
Videos are a great aid to sensitize the present generation as they are tech savvy and audio visuals have an universal appeal. Every week two days were assigned for sensitizing the students through videos on environmental degradation and sustainable practices needed.
The extension of this activity was the sensitization of the community through the video by late Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on ‘Save Water’. This video gave a glimpse of what are lives will be in the near future if we donot save water. The students took up the responsibility to make their family members and community aware of the impending water crisis and the conservation practices needed to be adopted soon.
The two minute ecologist was well carried out during the assemblies and students employed different techniques to present their viewpoints to the audience. The regular co curricular activities, competitions cultural programmes, dressing of the environment notice board always ensured that environmental values were propagated through the planning and execution of tasks.
The Environmental Audit was conducted at two levels
At the personal level, the students were given to examine their own level of environmental awareness through a survey audit, wherein the students responded to the items on the questionnaire on environmental problems and sustainable measures adopted by them. The students were graded for their level of eco literacy. This survey was presented as a project by the environmental club students.
At the institutional level, the students carried out an Institutional Audit wherein PCER was audited on energy, waste, water, paper etc. The results were analysed and few sustainable practices were implemented such as
The students extended their learning about the environment to their practice teaching schools, where they conducted an Institutional Audit of the practice teaching schools. The results were analysed and discussed with the principal and supervisors. Schools who did not practice any conservation techniques were suggested activities to bring about awareness to impact attitudinal change among the students. ‘Save Water’ video by Dr. A.P.J.Kalam was taken as the first step to sensitizing the students and school authorities towards water conservation. Followed by various activities such as debates, talks and workshops conducted by the student teachers during the internship period.
The beautification of the institution saw the students, being one with nature, making pots from waste plastic bottles and planting saplings in it to beautify the premises of the institution. This activity enabled the students to realize the importance of plants in our surroundings and values that we derive from them.
Thus the environmental club carried out all its activities with the same fervor and enthusiasm and made the most of the activity. Ideas, creativity and solidarity are at its best when the students work in groups and this was witnessed through the activities carried out by the club during the year.
Dr. Mary Devakumar
Asst. Professsor, PCER
Environmental Club 2015-16
The Environmental Club of PCER completed another eventful year with the host of multifarious activities with new two year B.Ed. format. The student teachers of the current batch were an enthusiastic lot who took up each activity with zeal.
The 2 minute ecologist was sincerely carried out by the student teachers during the assembly where everyday the students came up with a myriad of ideas. They focused on different environmental issues such as global warming, Loss of Biodiversity, Bio-magnification, Pollution etc. They adopted different methodologies for their presentations which ranged from hilarious to serious ones. They shared tips on how they can contribute to the conservation of the environment through the 2 – minute ecologist.
In keeping with the purview of sensitizing the community and neighbourhood about the careful use of natural resources, the environmental club members carried out the screening of environmental videos which brings home the reality of depletion of natural resources like water. The project of ‘Save water’ was taken up with the screening of a video by Late Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on ‘Letter from 2070’. The video led all to change their mindset to some extent to the use of precious resource – water. This project entails the student teachers to screen this video for people in their homes, community, practice teaching schools or neighbourhood and make them aware of the sparing use of water as most parts of the State of Maharashtra being declared drought prone.
Environmental Club 2014-15
The environmental club carried out its regular activities during the year. As of every year, all the transactions in the college, the curricular and co – curricular activities are transacted in an eco – friendly way, wherein we adhere the principle of the 3 R’s.
The 2 minute ecologist is a great hit with students as they share their ideas, experiences of conserving the environment. During the morning assemblies, the students took turns to highlight the plight of the environment and how one can contribute to reduce the damage.
The students were encouraged to make some useful articles from waste and share it with the class. Some students taught their peers how to make these articles. One of the intercollegiate activities for the ‘Valeur’ – Wealth from waste was an attempt to sensitize the students of other colleges and make them aware of reusing resources than dumping them as waste.
In keeping with the Earth hour 2015 which was celebrated across six continents and twenty four time zones, the Environmental Club of PCER, Chembur organized the Environmental Awareness Week for B.Ed students from 23rd to 28th March, 2015 culminating with the Earth Hour. The objective of the programme was bring about awareness among the students on sustainable living.
The notice boards in div A and B were dressed up with articles and tips for sustainable living for eg. Carbon credits, Use of eco – friendly products, alternatives to chemicals in daily use, home remedies etc.
The week comprised of a workshop on sustainable practices for sustainable living – Rain water harvesting, Solid Waste management and Mangrove management were discussed. The students teachers were administered the environmental pledge.
The environmental club took up the project of vermi composting. The students brought shredded vegetable waste from their homes and collected it in a plastic container. Soil and earthworm were added and the container was covered and allowed to compost. The compost formed was used for the plants grown in the college campus. This activity helped the students to get an exposure to prepare compost to be used for their plants at home rather than using any chemicals.
A visit to the mangroves maintained by Godrej in Vikrohli was organized. The students also visited Godrej school to see how the students have a grown fruits and vegetables like pineapple, tomatoes, chillies, banana, cabbage in the school compound.
The environmental awareness week, the project work and the field visit was an eye opener, as to how easily we can conserve and preserve our environment by sparing a few minutes to think and act as an ecologist through our daily chores.
Environmental Club 2013-14
A slogan competition was carried out, where the students suggested slogans pertaining to preserving and conserving the environment. The 2 minute ecologist was conducted during the assemblies and the students came up with novel ideas to save energy and water.
The environmental club committee ensured that the Intercollegiate competition ‘Valeur’ continued with the competition of ‘Wealth from waste’ and prizes awarded to the best article. The students teachers were administered the environmental pledge.
A seminar on ‘Environmental projects and movements’ was conducted by the students of the environmental club to discuss the environmental issues and how people contribution made a difference.
Environmental Club 2013-14
The environmental club continued in its attempt to sensitize the students through the various college activities and special programmes.
The Principal Mathews Chacko Memorial Intercollegiate Extempore Competition was conducted, the theme was ‘Save our mother Earth’. The topics selected for the elocution was environment based. The extempore competition was conducted in three languages English, Hindi and Marathi. The students teachers were administered the environmental pledge.
The Slogan Competition was held where the students wrote slogan sin English Hindi and Marathi. A poster completion highlighting the environmental problems were carried out in collaboration with the extension department. The notice board ‘Environ Hub was dressed up tutorial wise.
During practice teaching the student teachers carried their mission of spreading awareness about environmental issues to their practice teaching schools. The students were sensitized and made aware about the environmental problems and lessons were carried out for the school students using activity and play way method.
The activities conducted through the environmental club was our continuous effort to bring to realization among the future teachers of the harm done to the environment and how we can do our best to conserve and preserve it.
Visit to Chatrapati Shivaji Vastu Sanghralaya
The history club organized a visit to a museum for history student teachers on 7th November, 2015. The objective of the trip was to orient student teachers regarding importance of visiting a museum and acquiring more knowledge about our history and culture. The student teachers along with the faculty in charge visited the Chatrapati Shivaji Vastu Sangrahalaya formerly known as the Prince of Wales Museum.
The museum situated at Fort, Mumbai is one of the premier cultural museums in India. It was founded in the early 19th century to commemorate the visit of the Prince of Wales. It is built in the Indo-Saracenic style of architecture and is a Grade I Heritage building. The museum has a vast array of art and artefacts collection. The enormous collections have been categorized into three sections – art, archaeology and natural history.
The museum has a wonderful collection of sculptures, bronzes, terracotta, artefacts excavated from the Harappan sites etc. It also has a beautiful display of European paintings and Indian miniature paintings. It also has a great collection of porcelain,ivories and jade collection from China and Japan. The museum also has on display old coins and weapons. The Natural history section has a diorama of a variety of animals, birds, reptiles and marine life, which is very interesting and informative. The visit to the museum was very enriching experience for the history students.