Felizia Intra Collegiate Competition 2019

PCER > Co-curricular Activities > Felizia Intra Collegiate Competition 2019

FELIZIA 2019, Intercollegiate Cultural Event organised in association with University of Mumbai Sub Campus, gets coverage in Times of India – Newspaper in education on 28th November, 2019 pg-4.

PCER organized an Intra Collegiate Competition for the students of F.Y. B.Ed. and S.Y. B.Ed. consisting of a wide array of events with the objective of enabling the student teachers to display their various talents and creativity. The overall theme for the event was Multicultural India. The various events were held in the premises of the Chembur campus. The events included a poster competition wherein the students presented posters made individually or as a group related to the theme. The events were categorized in to two groups. Group A events included Ad Mad Show, Extempore Elocution- Voice your Views and Dance Mania. Group B events included Mehendi, Nail Art, Eye Mask competition. The students showed enthusiastic participation in all the events. The judges evaluated the various events and commended the participants for their creativity and enthusiasm.